Sunday, November 24, 2013

I grabbed this quick before the Troll Gremlins of Yahoo Removed it

Dave's Poem:
Not From Nothing

Comparing the creation of our souls

to animals or trees that never talk
is like pointing to a bed of burning coals
and asking someone else to take the walk.
Our courage comes from realizing God,
and knowing that our science can't design
the energy within the lightning rod
that strikes our fate and shows us the divine.
It's not from nothing that the world exists
and galaxies seek never ending skies
the nature of humanity consists
of following our faith with blinded eyes.
We may discover how a dove can fly
but only death will bring the reason why.
Hiram's Response:
Not FOR Nothing.

God made the world out of dark and the void
the same nothing science posits came first
to point at a fire walk we would avoid
comes naturally, cause our will is perverse
Our fear reminds us that nothing exists
that naught is the seed with which God creates
Sciences measure but folly and mists
The nothings within us are our native states
The world is finite, though galaxies strive
Ideas of eternity ever prod
All life and all matter face entropy
Yet all empty things seek their life in God
Death cannot serve as our nature's seed
God is the BANG that's the universe needs.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

It Is Time For a 32-Hour Work Week

It Is Time For a 32-Hour Work Week*
*Benefits and OT required at and above 32 hours.


There are 168 Hours in a week.

Divided by 40 hours:

6 Employee 3 shifts ,3 FT & 3 PT equals 37.333 hours each full timer and 18.666 hours each part timer
Roughly 9 hours per week of overlapping shifts.


Divided by 32 hours:

6 Employee on 3 shifts , 6 FT shifts equals 28 hours each or 4 FT and 4 PT timers at 14 hours each PTer.
12 hours of overlap, or have PTers work 6 hour shifts.
This either creates 3 new jobs with BENEFITS or 1 new FT and one new PT for every job requiring a 24 hour employee.


People objected when the 40 hour work week was introduced that:
  • folks would not make enough money to survive on it
  • would not know what to do with their free time.
In Actuality:
    • People who have more time off will SPEND MORE $$$$
    • Workers with two jobs could maybe have BOTH WITH BENEFITS, or...
    • Work 4 days at one job and 2 at another and ACTUALLY HAVE A DAY OFF.

It would improve the economy AND the lives of workers!