Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Boy Who Wanted To Fly

I was fascinated as a child with the belief that human unaided flight should be possible just by willing it, and that to the degree that it was not, we were buying a bill of goods called reality. I asked myself why I wanted reality more than I wanted to fly. I doubted I wanted reality more than I wanted to fly. 

But the will to crazy, the will to do anything I wanted if I wanted badly enough was not there. So I continued to puzzle over my fixation with sanity and limitation, eventually coming to see limitations as what make me me, and not just cosmic noise. I wanted to be me (live in a universe I recognized) more than I wanted to fly.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

God and Evil: Theism and the Multiverse

Again Happy Hiram explains why there are bad things in the world but God is not evil.

Here was the question from Yahoo Answers:

Is it possible for there to be an all powerful, all knowing, all loving God in the face of evil and suffering!?

I do Religion, Philosophy and Ethics at school. I recently wrote an essay on the topic and expressed my views what are your thoughts? We thought about it in the terms of suffering during the holocaust when many innocent Jews faithful to God were slaughtered.

My Answer:
1. If the multiverse does not have a latent part (i. e. spiritual or phantom potential, aka God) then everything is as the ancients feared "eternal recurrence" and nothing is real. The Buddhists may love that answer, but I find it dehumanizing.

2. Everything affects everything else. Cause and effect run forwards AND backwards in time, contact clear across enormous distances of space and even "potential" events affect the whole. Those in the know call this God's Law, and define the relationship of spirit over matter as omnipotence.

3. In this universe of connectivity, take out Hitler and you might also lose the color red. Diversity is the greater good. Is the God who chooses to allow suffering for the sake of a more complex universe evil?

4. I believe God (potential) experiences matter (reality) through consciousness. That he goes through everything a holocaust victim does is the only reason why he can allow suffering in the world. Because he is there beside us through consciousness, which is the way in which we are made in his image, it is the part of us that is intangible, immaterial and most like un-existent potential.

Please mention me (Happy Hiram) if you use this in your paper.

The Question in Philosophy